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Thursday, February 22, 2024

1% Principle Improvement Teaching notes for Leaders

 The 1% rule, often referred to as the "1% improvement principle" or the "marginal gains theory," is a concept that suggests that making small, incremental improvements or adjustments in various aspects of an activity or process can accumulate over time and lead to significant overall improvement or success. The idea is that by consistently seeking and implementing tiny, seemingly insignificant enhancements in different areas, the cumulative effect can result in a substantial boost in performance or achievement.

In essence, the 1% rule emphasizes that continuous, small improvements can be more effective in the long run than striving for one major breakthrough or radical change. It highlights the power of consistency, attention to detail, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in all areas to achieve significant success over time.

Managing Non-Performance:

"What specific areas of your performance would you like to improve by 1%?"

"Can you identify one small change you can make in your approach or habits that could lead to that 1% improvement?"

"How can we measure and track your progress toward this 1% improvement goal?"

Pursuing Big Goals:

"What are the major milestones or components of our big audacious goal?"

"Which of these components could benefit from a 1% improvement to accelerate our progress?"

"How can we break down our big goal into smaller, manageable steps, each with its own 1% improvement target?"

Continuous Improvement:

"Are there specific processes or systems within our organization that could benefit from minor enhancements?"

"What 'low-hanging fruit' improvements can we implement quickly to gain momentum in our continuous improvement efforts?"

"How can we encourage team members to identify and suggest 1% improvements in their respective areas?"

Teaching New Skills:

"What skills or competencies are team members currently learning or developing?"

"How can we help them recognize and celebrate small gains in their skill development?"

"What feedback mechanisms can we establish to track and appreciate these incremental improvements?"

Managing Priorities:

"What are our top three strategic priorities at the moment?"

"How can we apply the 1% rule to each of these priorities to make steady progress?"

"Which priorities can we temporarily move to the 'to don't' list to maintain our focus on the top three?"

Additional Questions:

"What are some overlooked or unexpected areas where we can apply the 1% rule for improvement?"

"How frequently should we review our progress after implementing a 1% improvement?"

"What resources or support might be needed to facilitate these small but impactful changes?"

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